Many of you know of Interior Designer Scot Wood as Tartanscot from his well known and beautifully executed blog of the same name; others know him for his elegant eye for design and love of all things Tartan. This week we sit down with Scot to learn a little more about the Southern Gentleman behind the design, what inspires him, his approach, his theory and were even treated to an, a Capella serenade (which will make you melt- is it time to have a design blogger stage show? Soundtrack? )
Scot's diminutive San Francisco apartment, transformed into a space large in elegance and design.
The beautiful Hampton's home Scot worked on, via San Francisco and with only a few days, on site, to install.
to see more of Scot's work please visit his website: www. smwdesign.com
Art by Karena
having greatly admired scot's design sense, i thoroughly enjoyed this in-depth conversation. if possible i admire him even more knowing his beliefs and mores in approaching a design, particularly his collaborative efforts and relationships with his clients. what lucky clients indeed!
None of us are actually 'interviewers' or 'Journalists' in real life, i.e. we have never been schooled in the 'art of'. We also, aren't actually sitting at a table {no....really?} so we can't see each other's cues. This makes it hard to know when one person is finished with their thought.
I think we're hopefully learning and developing, as we go along.
Thank you for your honest and polite two cents.
This is my favorite quote (and a very familiar one from our designer friend)
"I found a great table..."
What a talented, charismatic, unpretentious human being. I already love his blog and now love him too! I know...gush...can't help it...so no apology.
It was immensely comforting to know others, including you gals, work in a more fluid and organic fashion....sometimes I feel so "odd" with everything I read and hear!
I can not wait to see his updated space as turquoise/aqua has always been in my life and imagine always will be.
Main Entry: round ta•ble
Pronunciation: \ˈrau̇n(d)-ˌtā-bəl\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 a capitalized R&T : the large circular table of King Arthur and his knights b : the knights of King Arthur
2usually round•ta•ble : a conference for discussion or deliberation by several participants; also : the participants in such a conference